Love, Natalie

How to boost your immune system
Jan 15, 2021
“You can’t outrun your fork” is an adage that we repeat time and again to remind ourselves about the importance of sticking with a healthy diet. Our health, in many ways, begins and ends in the kitchen. If we’re putting healthy fule into our bodies, we’re going to run like a well oiled machine - and the inverse is true, as well. When we put too much junk in our system, our health suffers. 

Which Renū is Right For You?
Jan 08, 2021
Happy New Year, Beauties! I hope you have all set some amazing intentions for yourself in 2021, and that this year brings all of us so much more joy than last! 😂🤞 To help you start 2021 off on the right note, I wanted to address something so many of you have asked over the last year: “Which Renu products are right for MY skincare needs?” So - without further ado - here’s my breakdown of each Renu product, and what it will do for you!

Keeping Your Winter Glow With Natalie's Go-To Superfoods
Dec 07, 2020
Let’s get it straight: the foods you eat have a direct effect on your skin. Whatever your complexion concerns might be, from dryness and flaking (try water-dense, high-fat snacks) to oiliness and acne (take a break from high glycemic index foods), your diet can have a positive or negative impact depending on how closely you monitor it.

Natalie's Granola Recipe
Nov 30, 2020
Holiday traditions are one of my favorite things about this time of year. When I was a little kid, I remember my grandmother would always make fudge every year for our family. The unmistakable smell would draw me in, and I absolutley could not wait for those tasty morsels to cool enough to eat! On the other side of the family, my grandmother made what she called "nuts and bolts" which was a binge-worthy chex mix. Yum yum yum! Carrying on the recipe tradition when my kids were little, I started out by making the granola I'll be detailing below. It's the perfect snack when you are on the go and serves as a nice side dish for a holiday brunch and is equally great for afterschool snacks, when made into a parfait with yogurt. If you're looking for a simple, tasty and versatile recipe, I hope you enjoy my take on granola as much as my family and friends have over the years!

A New Name in Clean Cosmetics & Why YOU Should Care!
Nov 09, 2020
I have tried many clean makeup brands and honestly, I just haven't found anything that I really love or want to purchase again and again. I'm either disappointed by the wearability or lack of pigmentation. When I tried the NuEvolution foundation it immediately felt and looked like my natural complexion - not like a caked-on cover-up. I was ecstatic! I literally couldn't believe my eyes. 

Skincare Mistakes You're Making Right Now (And How To Fix Them!)
Nov 03, 2020
Have you been trying to get the perfect skin but you never seem to be able to get what works for your skin? Maybe you have tried so many skincare products, but each product was met with huge breakouts. Take a moment to ask yourself if you are doing everything right. Because if you are making any of the mistakes on this list, that could be why you don’t have your dream skin yet...